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Self-cleaning filtration solution for dairy industry

Self Cleaning Filters for Dairy Industry

Over the past few years, the dairy industry has drastically expanded and has become proficient at producing a wide variety of products. Through technological innovations, the dairy industry has expanded multiple folds from creating dense and sweet concoctions to bringing a variety of cheeses.

Although technology advances in processing dairy products, there is still a much more traditional step integral to the quality of a dairy product. Filtration is the process of filtering raw materials.

There are many impurities and unwanted particles in raw dairy materials that need to be removed before confections can be refined and made delicious. Moreover, in this competitive market, if your products are not pure enough, they won’t be considered as a viable option.

Thus, leading dairy industries around the world are investing in high-quality self-cleaning filters. Using these innovative and fully automated machines, you will be able to achieve the highest levels of filtration and increase your company’s processing capacity.

The usefulness of self-cleaning filters in the Dairy Industry

It is also necessary to filter and screen dairy products to produce refined finished products. The goal is to ensure that your products are consistent so that your customers can have a seamless and cohesive experience.

By using self-cleaning filter, you can improve your filtration process and refine your raw dairy products by removing coarse ingredients, such as cocoa solids, and viscous liquids, such as sugar syrup. Additionally, it can be used to remove or separate any unwanted suspended solids from your products.

The dairy industry can also benefit from our automatic self-cleaning filters in the following ways:

– Improves the quality of your product

You can ensure that your raw materials are refined and of high quality by using inline filters. In addition, this will also reflect on the quality of your finished products, which will have a more luscious and shiny finish.

– Reduces waste generation

Automatic self-cleaning filter reduce your factory’s waste generation by enabling you to process raw materials to the highest standard. In addition, it only filters unnecessary particles from raw materials in order to minimize the possibility of errors. This way, you can preserve your raw material’s actual quantity and subsequently increase your production.

– Safe and sanitized filtration of your dairy products

Self-cleaning is one of the major characteristics of these filters. By using them, you can ensure that your raw products are protected from spoilage and unnecessary clogging of the filters. As a result, you can be assured that your final products will be hygienic and safe for consumption by your customers.

– High-flow filtration

Due to the self-cleaning properties of the filters, an uninterrupted and continuous filtration process is also created, enabling it to handle a high flow of raw material. As a result, raw dairy products can be continually percolated without allowing any oversized or undesirable substances to enter the finished product.

How our products outshine the market

Galaxy Sivtek’s high-performance inline filters outperform the industry’s competitors. With their simple and robust design, our industrial liquid filters can be calibrated for a wide range of dairy products to ensure optimum results for all products.

Galaxy Sivtek’s Automatic filter operate on a unique pressure difference principle, enabling them to continuously filter products for a long period of time. A few other reasons why our products are highly regarded in the industry include:

Customized Solutions

We offer a wide range of customization options for our industrial filter that allow you to increase the efficiency of your filtration as per your needs. Manufacturers from the dairy industry often upgrade their systems by adding a dual cylinder that increases flow capacity and allows them to handle high flow filtration more effectively.

Our inline liquid filters are capable of filtering liquids with viscosity ranging from 1 cP to 50,000 cP with the appropriate calibration.

Filter Control

The filter can allow a high rate of filtration efficiency is because of its filter controls. It has a modified ‘Programmable Logic Control’ box (PLC Box) which allows you to control the pneumatic cylinders and the actuators at the same time.

This feature is also known as ‘Set & Be Free’ and gives you the ability to control the movement of the cleaning disks and the contaminant purging chamber valves that can help you calibrate the filters accordingly.

Self-Cleaning Properties

It is common to observe that a lot of oversized material gets choked on the perimeter of the fine-mesh baskets when raw materials are filtered through the machine. As a result, raw materials are more likely to be contaminated and spoil it.

In order to address this issue, our filters are equipped with pneumatic cylinders that can automatically clean your fine-mesh basket. Moving the cleaning disk scrapes any oversized particles from the periphery without interrupting the continuous filtering process.

High-temperature capacity filters

The filters we recommend are designed to withstand high temperatures without sustaining any damage. We understand the requirements of the dairy industry to work with products at various temperatures.

Moreover, this filter is equipped with a hot water jacketing feature which allows you to maintain a stable suspension temperature between liquid and solid materials.

Automatic Filtration

We have developed our industrial filter that eliminate the need for any human effort to ensure efficient operation. Their fully automated processing system can run for a long period of time without experiencing any hiccups. Your raw materials will be continuously and uninterruptedly processed by it.

Moreover, the self-cleaning properties of the filter are well synchronized with the automation system, resulting in an even higher rate of efficiency. The only thing you need to do is to install your filter and let it do its work.

Easy Maintenance

A major challenge manufacturers face is removing a particular part in order to disassemble the filter for intensive cleaning. As a result, a significant portion of precious time is spent on this process, which could be used to process more raw materials and increase production capacity.

Therefore, our Industrial liquid filters are ingeniously designed so that they can be easily assembled and disassembled. Each part of the filter is connected by clamps that are reliable and easy to disconnect, allowing any part of the filter to be sealed or detached as needed. As a result, it is extremely easy to replace the mesh and the overall maintenance time of the filtration process is decreased.

Less power consumption

We have designed our filters in such a manner that they consume very little energy and provide optimal performance, while also taking into consideration that these filters make up an important part of any dairy industry’s production cycle.

Despite consuming less power, the high-capacity pneumatic cylinders can still provide output that meets industry standards.

Minimizes Operation Costs

Galaxy Sivtek’s inline industrial filters are capable of drastically reducing your operating costs as a result of their combination of all these unique features. As a result, you are able to make optimal use of your resources, which reduces the risk of error and waste. As the level of accuracy infiltration increases, the final product becomes richer and more refined.

As a result of the reduced power consumption, your operating expenses are also reduced. Additionally, the automatic process of the filters eliminates the need for manual labor, further lowering your dairy industry’s expenses.

How our machines process various dairy products?

There are a number of reasons why self-cleaning filters are so popular in the dairy industry, including their versatility and diversity of applications. With this device, you will be able to filter through a wide range of size calibrations, and the rate can be modulated at your discretion. This gives you the ability to extract specific particles from the raw materials as per your requirements.

We offer a variety of automatic filters that are suitable for a wide range of dairy products which can be filtered. The following are a few of the major products that dairy industrialists install these liquid filters in:

Chocolate: In order to maintain an even and refined consistency of your chocolate products, you need to remove any cocoa suspends or lumps in the liquid mixture to assure high-quality products. Our in-line liquid filters can remove coarse impurities that might be present in your liquid chocolate mixtures.

Milk: Factory milk is unpasteurized and filled with impurities. Our industrial filters contain a hot water jacketing system that extracts these impurities by heating the milk and filtering them through fine-mesh sieves.

Condensed Milk: When condensed milk is filtered in conventional filters, many burnt particles are mixed into the mixture during the heating process. In-Line liquid filters are designed to prevent this from occurring. They have a refined mesh that can remove burnt parts and keep the product free of contamination.

Butter Milk: Buttermilk may contain impurities or suspended solids that can ruin its texture. There is also the possibility that some chunks of curd may be contributing to the foul taste. With our filters, you can screen out such suspended solids and produce buttermilk that is even and luscious.

Butter-ghee: When butter is converted into ghee, the milk solids are burned to char. It becomes dark and oversized particles that need to be filtered before bottling. Our Automatic filters are capable of filtering these particles effectively, while conventional filters often clog on oversized particles, ensuring that you receive highly refined ghee every time.

Sugar Syrup: Sugar syrup has a very high viscosity that is difficult to filter using conventional methods. It either clogs up or is unable to effectively filter out oversized particles. In addition to filtering liquids of viscosity ranging from 1 cP to 50,000 cP, the automatic industrial filters are able to filter sugar syrups as well.

Recycling water: The rainwater that falls on the surface of the earth gets contaminated with dust and other fine particles that are not very hygienic. Filter the water and remove all suspended particles before adding the clarifying chemicals. Our In-Line liquid filter’s fine mesh screens can help you filter the minutest specs from the rainwater and help you reach an efficient recycling standard.

Whey slurry: In order to proceed with the evaporation process, it is extremely important to filter out the curd solids from the whey slurry. When the slurry enters the spray dry chamber, any solids present in the mixture may cause the machine to clog and hinder the process. Using our fine mesh, you can be assured that no solid can pass through and cause complications in the evaporation procedure.

Our Automatic Filter can expand your Dairy Industry’s Production

In addition to ensuring a high level of product filtration, our filters can also significantly increase your production capacity. As a result, you are able to reduce the waste generation during your manufacturing process and ensure that the dairy products you produce are safe and sanitized.

It is a fully automated machine capable of working continuously for a very long period of time. As a result, manpower becomes almost redundant, and you are able to significantly decrease your operating costs. The devices are easy to maintain and use very little power, so you can preserve your resources for better use.

These filters have a wide range of applications, and with our customization solutions, you can make them deliver exactly what you want. With Galaxy Sivtek, dairy manufacturers around the world have improved their filtration systems with a credible partner.

If you are looking for a filtration solution to your production line, click here to reach to our customer support executive.

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